Hidden: “When the Past is Buried But Not…”Forgottenby Monique Gliozzi, MD book review by Michelle Jacobs “As she sipped the effervescent perfectly chilled liquid, she smiled, marveling at how far she’d come in the game.” In this sequel...
Once Is Never Enough Title: Once Is Never Enough: Revenge Never SleepsAuthor: Monique GliozziPublisher: Tellwell TalentISBN: 0228879213Pages: 224Genre: Suspense / ThrillerReviewed by: David Allen Hollywood Book Reviews Larissa La Roche, the anti-heroine of...
Once Is Never Enough: Revenge Never Sleepsby Monique GliozziTellwell Talent book review by Michelle Jacobs “It’s not unusual for this sort of sociopathic behavior to have origins from a deep-rooted childhood trauma.” Dual tragedies in the life of Larissa...
Vestige by Monique Gliozzi is a breezy read with strong psychological hints. It follows two key characters: Dr. Maxwell Stein and Olivia. Dr. Stein is a highly skilled child psychologist in New York, and just when he is about to take a most needed vacation, a visit...